WHYNBTYW (Preview Edition 2)

This week’s edition of Why Have You Not Bought This Yet Wed is also a preview edition.

Two weeks ago, I purchased the Crossover Symmetry system. This system advertises itself as something for folks who need to improve shoulder mobility, strength, posture and even rehab injury. They even discuss someone who had a rotator cuff injury where surgery was recommended who used this system and was able to build strength without surgery. We have one of these systems in our box and I’ve used it a couple of times. It seemed promising.

The system arrived this past Monday and when I opened the box, their instructions said to head to their website, enter the code they gave me and watch the videos for further instruction. For me, personally, I’d rather read than watch videos so this was a minor annoyance. Not something worth returning the product, however. Two days later, I sat at my computer, entered the code and was taken to the training zone. I clicked on the first video (there are a LOT of them) and …. it didn’t work. I tried another browser. Nothing. I tried my phone, and still nothing. So I sent an email to their technical support and very quickly was sent a reply that they were aware of the problem and were working on it. They also provided a link to a cloud site where some of the videos were stored. So I was able to start watching.

Twenty-four hours later, their site was up and running and I was able to work my way through a good chunk of the videos. The first set deal with how to do the installation and basics. They move into the various movements and fantastically, go over common errors and how to correct those errors. This is fantastic, since you use the system in your own home; thus, you are doing the movements without the help of a coach watching.

Today, I finally managed to get the system installed. I ordered the door attachements, which are promised to work on all standard doors. I failed to consider that my house is 100 years old and thus my doors are perhaps, not standard compared to modern doors. However, my husband and I were able to get the system installed and hopefully it is at least toerable, since our doors are apparently far more narrow than modern doors. (Side note: were people that much smaller 100 years ago?!)

So I’m pleased to note that the system was reasonably easy to install. They were highly responsive to my email about the issues I was having. Their videos are very helpful.

I have yet to use the system, so I cannot report that you NEED it just at the moment. But I fully intend to start using it every day (as soon as I move the furniture in the room out of the way) and after a month or so of use, I will provide a full report on the challenges, issues and hopefully, benefits of the system.

So stay tuned!

Oh My Aching Shoulders

It seems we’ve been really pounding our shoulders lately. Monday had us doing shoulder touches (for you Rx folks, that would be hand stand push-ups), rowing and sit-ups. Tuesday was dumbbell thrusters, overhead squats and double unders (I subbed the ski-erg to save my calf for what happens in The Open). Today was push press, bent row and accessory shoulder work with lateral raises and various holds. So basically, holding my phone has become an exercise in futility. 

This guarantees thrusters or overhead squats in 17.3.  Dave Castro’s cryptic IG picture has us all scratching our heads. But my money is on another shoulder workout, mostly because I cannot move my arms at the moment.